Indoor Gardening
Ever pondered over how much of harmful carbon dioxide circulates in our closed rooms. If yes then indoor gardening will solve your problem. We know that green plants are a vital source of oxygen which is of utmost important for our living. They also help in removing pollutants and toxins from the air. One potted plant every per 100 square feet can help clear the air of pollutants!!! So why not give plants a space in our homes too. Certainly it will promote a healthy living.
Here our certain tips to thrive gardening in your living room:
Selection Of The Appropriate Plant
Choose a plant that will survive the conditions at your home. You must also take into consideration the cost involved, time required by the plant etc. Plants like Fatsia, Coleus survive well indoors.
It depends upon how much light does the plant needs. The amount of light in a house would determine which plants would survive. Select a plant which needs low or medium light until and unless you are ready to invest for plants requiring artificial lighting. . Examples of plants requiring medium to low light are Boston fern, Philodendrons, etc.
Watering Plants
The soil should be wet thoroughly, and the water should be able to drain out of the pot. Inquire from the person selling you the plant, the quantity of water it requires. Don't use water more than recommended otherwise it will harm the plant. Always use water at room temperature to increase the longevity of the plant.
Different plants require different temperatures to survive. But the thumb rule which is generally followed is 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, during the day and 10 to 15 degrees lower at night. But remember frequent changes in temperature can harm your plants.
Containers And Pots
Ensure that the pots are clean to avoid any diseases to your plants. Also see to it that the pots are porous so that water percolates through them.
The amount of moisture in the air also affects a plant growth.. Low humidity will cause the leaves to dry and curl. The humidity of the room should be increased with a humidifier, during the winter when the blower is switched on and the level of humidity drops.
Depends from plant to plant. But according to the thumb-rule plants that grow faster, should be fertilized every two to three months, but as far as dormant plants are concerned they shouldn't be fertilized at all.