Vegetable Gardening Tips
Now you can enjoy year round supply of fresh veggies by simply following these gardening tips.
- Undertake interval planting of vegetable of your choice once in every 10 to 14 days to ensure regular supply of vegetables. It works nicely for plants such as sweet corn,peas etc.
- Never grow a lot of a single plant at the same time, those plants which are eaten fresh . For e.g. Radish
- Rows should be spaced for easier cultivation with the type of tool which you want to use.
- Rows should run from north to south to ensure that sunlight exposure is equal for each and every row.
- Crop rotation should be practiced. Rotation helps in preventing diseases from spreading over from one season to another.
- Crops should be grouped by same planting and harvesting dates so as to ensure that the garden produces year round. In each block, arrangement should be done according to the size of the plant.
- Crops spanning a couple of seasons should be planted on one portion of the garden so that they don't hinder with the seasonal garden preparation.
- Don't plant too much. In each square foot where plantation is done in the spring will need to be weeded, irrigated and harvested in the summer season.
- If you plant two or more varieties which have different maturity dates it will lengthen the season for any one crop.
- Inter planting crops which grow quickly for e.g. radish among crops which grow slowly ensures that former grow before the latter requires the space
- Till the garden and leave it for few weeks and again till before plantation to reduce yearly weeds.
- Undertaking plantation on the southern side slope of the bed which runs from east to west provides benefits such as protection from wind and faster soil warming.
- Irrigate gardens to get better growth, and to avoid blossom-end rot which may occur when soil moisture goes from wet to dry to wet. Heavy irrigation is preferred to frequent light sprinklings.
- Use well decomposed garden compost