Zone 8

Zone 8 Information
Find Zone 8 located in the lower portions of North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, and Louisiana. It winds a path through Utah, Colorado, Arizona, California, Oregon, and Washington. The long growing season in this zone allows most plants to flourish and they'll adore the summer's mugginess in the Southern and Coastal states. The winters in this zone occasionally fall below freezing temperatures so take care to mulch around your roses.
Zone 8 was divided in 1990 into two areas by the National Arboretum to provide gardeners with even more environmental detail: 8a and 8b
8a - Minimum temperature of 10 to 15 F (-9.5 to -12.2 C) Places like Tifton, Georgia and Dallas, Texas.
8b - Minimum temperature of 15 to 20 F (-6.7 to -9.4 C) Places like Austin, Texas and Gainesville, Florida.
Here's a partial list of plants that thrive in Zone 8
Jupiter's beard
(Centranthus ruber)Jerusalem Sage
(Pulmonaria saccharata 'Sissinghurst White')Freesia
Blanket Flower
(Gaillardia grandiflora 'Baby Cole')Gloxinia Penstemon
(Penstemon x gloxinioides)Strawberry tree
(Arbutus unedo)